As they say, "Everything Old Is New Again".
Many of you have realized that there has been a HUGE
change in internet marketing this year.
Almost every "internet marketer" of any consequence is
now abandoning the net in droves. It's a mass exodus
that has been a long time coming.
Why is this happening? There are a lot of reasons, but
the main reason is that they're NOT making the money
in that arena anymore. What used to work for them is
not working on YOU any longer.
In other words, buyers are more educated and savvy
now so they have quit subscribing to their "push this
button and generate billions bull****".
Did I just say that?! Yes I did! (Because it's true.)
Now they're all saying "the REAL money is in offline".
So now they're starting to enter MY arena in droves
with their "theories" systems and programs about
marketing offline.
I've been here all along. The internet was a very small
sideline "hobby" for me. I didn't care if it produced for
me because I wasn't depending on it for my livelyhood.
Before you subscribe to any more of their crap in this new
arena, ask yourself this question:
"How many offline clients does this guru actually have?"
Most of the time it's a big fat zero. Which means they're
peddling more "theory" products and systems...again.
Don't buy into it. They're not using what they're selling
you in the offline world. They don't know if it works or
not but they "think" it will work.
It's enough to drive ya batty! (Me at least.)
They ARE right about one thing though. There is TONS
of real opportunity in this world. To prove that to you
I'm going to give you an e-course on Power Parallel
Partnering totally free.
This strategy is simple, fast and effective and has generated
an unheard of amount of clients, customers and money for
me and my clients.
Grab the course here:
Power Parallel Partnering
Get this concept and put it to use and I can guarantee you
that you will NEVER spend another dime on their garbage.
You really won't need to. Save your hard earned cash to spend
on you.
Why am I doing this? Simply because I really want you to
understand that there really are millions to be made in my
world, and it doesn't cost a penny to generate it :-)
Get your hands on this free e-course and get busy in the real
world of business. You won't need a list, product OR money
to put this into motion, and it works incredibly fast. Well, as
fast as you do anyway...
Get it now before THEY get it and turn it into more...well you know!
Power Parallel Partnering
Hopefully I'll hear your name from one of my clients soon. (I have
a LOT of them.)
Legendary Consultants Group
Monday, July 4, 2011
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